THE END OF THE WORLD IS NIGH!!! Or maybe just an edition change.
So, apparently it's been about a week since my last blog post. Where the time went, I'm not exactly sure, but I have a fairly good idea. Enter stage left - ROCKETHAMMER.Now, I'm not going to sit around and talk up Fantasy all post. I wish to address something far broader, namely - edition changes.
Old School Warhammer Logo. Because the Rockethammer doesn't quite look right.
Regardless of whether you love or hate fantasy, we all know that as of Saturday just gone, 8th Edition Fantasy - otherwise known as Rockethammer arrived. But for those who haven't seen the rulebook, you really must have a look.The artwork is just stunning, the battle scenes are awe inspiring, and the sheer amount of fluff within the tome is sure to provide hours and hours of reading.
I freaking love edition changes. In the months leading up to a new edition, you start to experience the rumour hype, which for better or worse is much more prevalent these days than previously thanks to the interwebz. Will GW change x rule? What will the change to y definition mean to my army? Then you encounter the launch date. People will scramble to get their hands on the rulebook - your local FLGS or GW store becomes full of people that play said game and much conversation is had, which is always a good thing.
The thing that I like most though, especially with 'big' edition changes, is that people suddenly find themselves questioning what armies they will take to tournaments going forward. Do you keep your current army? Do you scrap it and start a new one because they've become rubbish? And what kind of armies can you expect to come against? This period of time also reduces the amount of people who 'copy/paste' internet army lists to try and get that 'instant win' army going, and for me, that is one of the best perks of all. For a good six to nine months, there is a lot of unknown, and a lot of playtesting to figure out where your army sits.
So that's a few reasons why I love edition changes, and why I am rather excited about the new edition of Fantasy and the next six months of my hobby life.
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